Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Social Sites Virtual Playgrounds or Predatory Hunting...

Social interaction via internet has become a raving craze, but the debate of online safety measures necessary for children using social sites has become a hot topic of discussion. Social sites open the door to online interaction with friends, relatives, and classmates; but they also enhance the risk of interaction with online predators. Representative Michael Fitzpatrick, from Pennsylvania, is a sponsor of the Deleting Online Predators Act. He is an advocate for extreme online restrictions for children who use social-networking sites. On the other hand, Henry Jenkins, the director for the Comparative Media Studies program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology believes that technology is a crucial part of society’s demand of social†¦show more content†¦The act would also require the making of a website that would be a resource for teachers, parents, and children to help them become more aware of the potential dangers of the internet. Fitzpatrick’s main concer n is for the safety of young users of these social-networking sites; therefore, to protect young users from the dangers of social sites, he introduced stringent protective restrictions in his proposed Deleting Online Predator Act. Henry Jenkins states that society is at a â€Å"moment of transition.† He defends his position of encouraging the use of social sites, by pointing out that networking skills are becoming more and more important in all aspects of life. He argues that even teachers are beginning to take advantage of the world of technology by using the internet to post information about homework on blogs; they also use e-mail to send out information to students and parents to help keep them updated on current and upcoming notifications dealing with school. He debates that the bills presented to restrict social network access from public schools and libraries, such as Fitzpatrick’s proposed Deleting Online Predator Act, would definitely limit the access some students would have to these agents of the classroom and may preclude advancement due to lack of access of certain educational, online resources. In his concern for child safety on social sites, Jenkins comments, â€Å"just as youth in a hunting society play with bows andShow MoreRelatedBusiness in Singapore30736 Words   |  123 Pages Singapore has started wiring up the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (Next Gen NBN) and is targeting to complete by 2012. The Next Gen NBN is Singapore’s nation-wide ultra-high speed fibre network. A strategic enabler of economic and social growth, the network will prepare Singapore for an infocomm-enabled future and place it at the forefront of broadband development internationally. e. Singapore Connectivity Within the 7-hour of flying time, Singapore has access to 3.1 billion of

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